General Rules



  1. Student shall come to school on all working days in uniform and no one will be permitted to attend the class unless properly dressed.
  2. Late comers will be permitted to enter the class only with the permission of the principal.
  3. Students are strictly prohibited from bringing in and circulating any magazines, periodicals or electronic devices which do not belong to the library.
  4. Strict discipline is to be maintained in the class room and in school premises.
  5. Student shall not leave the school campus without permission.
  6. Promotion to the higher classes ,issue of conduct and other certificates are matters absolutely within the discretion of the principal.
  7. Home works and assignment should be done and submitted on time .all the instructions given by the teachers should be observed in good spirit.
  8. Great care must be taken of the school property and one should not damage things belonging to the school or others.
  9. . Parents are specially requested not to permit pupils to wear gold ornaments while coming to    school.
  10. Parents have to seek the permission of the principal and the class teacher,to take pupils home when classes are in session.
  11. The co-operation of the parents is sought in enforcing discipline and punctuality in the school.




  1. admission and withdrawals.

The minimum age at admission to Istd is completion of 6 years.Admision are made from the month of March and closed on 31st May. Application form can be obtained from school office at the time at registration .Admission will be made subject to the availability of seats. . Application forms duly filled in may be submitted on the stipulated date along with the original birth certificate and an attested Xerox copy of it with photo 

TC will be given only on the basis of written application in the prescribed form (available at the school office) to be submitted atleast a week in advance by the parent/ guardian , TC will be issued on the third day of application . TC’s produced from foreign countries must be countersigned by the Indian Embassy of the country concerned .

  1. Leave of Absence

 The reason for absence should be explained in the leave letter to the class teacher noting down on the pages provided for this purpose in this diary duly signed by the parent / guardian.

The name of the pupil absent continuously for more than 15 days without leave will be removed from the rolls .

In the case of long absence , medical certificate should be produced .


  1. Co-Curricular Activities Of the Year
  2. Recitation and presentation of current events at the assembly .
  3. Sports and games .
  4. Cultural and literary competitions .
  5. Class excursions .
  6. Dance class.
  7. Physical and health education .
  8. Annual Day celebration.
  9. Quizzes .
  10. Moral instructions.
  11. Ramadan.
  12. Gardening
  13. . Yoga.
  14. . Drawing and Painting.
  15. . Work experience
  16. Computer Science.


  1.  Rules of Promotion.

Promotions are given on the basis of one year’s overall performance and not merely on marks scored in the final examination .Every student must be present for all examinations and should score the minimum marks for pass . 85% attendance is required to appear for the annual examination .

35% of marks is required to pass in each subject from classes I to V .33% marks is required to pass in each subject from classes VI to X.

  1. School Uniform.


                     Girls – Check shirt with round collars , pinafore skirt, school belt , socks and black shoes . 

                      Boys - Check shirt,Pants, School belt , Socks and Black shoes.

                       V TO X

                      Girls – Check shirt with round collars , pinafore skirt, school belt , socks and black shoes . 

                      Boys - Check shirt,Pants, School belt , Socks and Black shoes.

                      school logo ,belts and socks will be available at the time of text book distribution .

  1. School Hours

Monday to Friday 9.45am to 4pm .

Saturday (VIII, IX, X) : 10am to 3.30 pm .